Recognizing Burnout:

  • Name it to tame it: Acknowledge that burnout may exist within individuals or organizations.
  • Encourage honest dialogue within the organization about the possibility of burnout.
  • Monitor retention rates and conduct meaningful exit interviews to identify themes related to burnout.
  • Consider starting interviews to understand why individuals stay in the organization to build on positive factors.
  • Look for signs like snappiness, challenging interpersonal interactions, and changes in behavior indicating potential burnout.

Burnout Prevention and Recognizing Organizational Readiness:

  • Assess readiness within the organization before implementing burnout prevention programs.
  • Adopt a strength-based approach to build on existing supportive measures within the organization.
  • Focus on building community and supportive relationships among staff members at all levels.
  • Create boundaries and clarify roles and responsibilities to ensure effective support without overstepping professional boundaries.

Building Resilience and Celebrating Wins:

  • Incorporate an equity framework to address personal experiences and organizational systems that contribute to burnout.
  • Celebrate small wins and achievements regularly to foster a culture of resilience and positivity.
  • Infuse strength-based celebrations into daily processes and interactions within the organization to promote burnout prevention.

Take a small step towards a big change

Schedule a call with CBCS to learn how you can implement our programs.